The Sun Never Sets on the British Empire

The Sun Never Sets on the British Empire
The British Empire at the peak of its power. By the 1900, Great Britain oversaw an Empire that covered more then 33,700,000 km2 (A)

Friday, March 2, 2012

The Race to India

Known for its wealth in resources, the Indian sub-continent had been sought after numerous times by foreign empires during the Age of Imperialism. Dutch traders were perhaps the first to contact India in hopes of securing resources. Aided by a number of exceptional mariners including Jan Huyghen van Linschoten, the Dutch made their first voyage on 1595.(C) Able to quickly create a monopoly within India due to the lack of competition in the sub-continent, the trade within India had been strictly Dutch until 1608. Despite being the first to reach the Indian subcontinent, the Dutch monopoly was quickly removed by the British.(C) The Dutch’s monopolistic approach towards India is of considered as the cause of their quick removal and they quickly annexed other areas of interest to protect trade.

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